RUsecure™ Information Security Policies US$595.00

Information security (IS) policies create the foundation for the development and implementation of secure working practices within an organization. However, IS policies themselves are often neither instructional, nor descriptive.

Complying with IS policies requires an understanding of the policies and the procedures to apply them. For this reason, the RUsecure™ Information Security Policies toolkit includes three additional features :-

  • Explanatory notes providing background for each Policy
  • Some of the important IS issues which should be considered when implementing each IS policy
  • The related ISO27000 reference(s). ISO27000 is a key standard against which information security can be measured and is growing rapidly in importance.

The 460-page policies document is arranged in chapters, each covering a related set of topics such as...

  • Controlling Access To Information And Systems
  • Controlling E-Commerce Information
  • Securing Hardware, Peripherals And Other Equipment
  • Purchasing And Maintaining Commercial Software
  • Planning For Business Continuity
The sub-chapters within these chapters hold the actual policies themselves: each described clearly and with the important supporting elements.

Obtaining The RUsecure™ Information Security Policies

This outstanding set of information security policies can now be obtained online, at a special price of just $595.00 for unlimited use within your organization.

The RUsecure™ Information Security Policies are provided in both RTF (universal Word Processor format) and PDF format for convenience. You can customise them as you require.

To obtain the RUsecure™ Information Security Policies, visit our payment page.

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